We’ve got some info from Transitions listed below, but I thought you’d like to hear from one of our customers:
I bought the Shoei RF-1200 with the transitions lens. Since the lens is so new, it was hard to find a review on it. Other companies have made similar and people have raved about them so I bit the bullet, dropped the cash, and within 3 days both the helmet and visor had arrived. Why isn’t this a standard feature of all visors?! It’s darker than the tinted visor on the RF-1000 that I’m replacing and goes clear at night when you need it. I no longer have to carry two shields for my daily commute (dark in the morning, bright and sunny in the afternoon) and that alone is worth the price for me! Errol S. from Nevada, April 14, 2015
Here’s the info from Transitions:
Whether dominating the race track or out for a pleasure ride,
motorcyclists know how important clear, crisp vision is.
Traditionally, riders dealt with changing light conditions by
carrying two shields (one clear, one tinted) with them at all times. SHOEI® Transitions® adaptive shields solve this problem – and even enhance vision – by seamlessly adjusting to optimized darkness levels with the changing light.
Like all photochromic products, temperature can cause
fluctuation in performance. UV rays activate the photochromic molecules through a photochemical process – this makes the shield darken. The fade back reaction is actually driven by heat – so in extremely hot temperatures, the photochromic molecules are actually fading back while they are activating – this prevents the shield from fully darkening. Transitions® lens technology is the most advanced in the industry, and is the least temperature sensitive, but there will be some performance variables depending on the temperature.