These pants are sold in US Alpha sizes and Alpinestars offers a chart to estimate the waist size for each size. The conversion estimates are about what you’d expect for each US alpha size and we verified the estimates on several pair and found them to be pretty accurate. (Note: Prior to 2018 product releases, Alpinestars standard size charts indicated waist sizes that were significantly larger than those listed here and we had to provide our own estimates on size. Now Alpinestar’s chart more accurately reflects actual size.)
To help you get the right size, we’ve condensed Alpinestars rather complicated chart to something more easily readable. Please note that we are listing a waist size range for each pant because the pants have an adjustable belt at the waist that allow you to snug them down if needed. Choose a size based on the measurement of your waist. You’ll want to measure yourself up a bit higher on your waist than ordinary jeans because protective pants like this are a little higher waisted. Take the link below if you need advice on how to measure. Though the materials of these pants are somewhat stretchy and forgiving, I’d advise you to choose larger if you find yourself between sizes.
Alpha Size | Alpinestars Waist Size Estimate |
Measured Inseam |
Small | 30 to 31.5 | 30.5 |
Medium | 31.5 to 33 | 31.5 |
Large | 33 to 34.5 | 33 |
XL | 36 to 37.5 | 33.5 |
XXL | 38 to 39 | 34.5 |
XXXL | 41 to 42.5 | 35 |
XXXXL | 42.5 to 44 | 35 |
XXXXXL | 45.5 to 47.5 | 35 |