Pavel B. from Washington

November 5, 2013
Overall - good but not quite perfect. Fit and finish on this helmet - good although there is a creaking sound when I grab it to put on and move around my head. The fit on my head is good and feels more airy than my previous Scorpion. Microlock - it's neat and I pretty much got used to it. The built-in shades - a freaking awesome feature and should be something every street helmet has. Since it doesn't cover 100% of the shield it takes some getting used to having a clear area at the bottom but I can live with it. Pinlock insert - yes please! Again, this is something every street helmet should have. Airflow - well, there is waaaay too much of it inside the helmet with all vents closed. That's something that might not be noticeable with a large windscreen or might even be nice on an 80 degree day but I commute on a naked bike (Buell XB) and when it's 40 out with a windchill I don't really need the cold air. Also, all that air moving about creates a lot of noise. Maybe it's just my copy and the seals on other helmets are better but that's what I have experienced. In any case, I am pretty happy with the features for the price and the flaws I can live with so I would recommend this helmet to others.
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