William H. from New Mexico
February 6, 2015
I'll start by saying that I really like this helmet. I bought it to get a quieter ride and more protection, and it does that very well. The overall quality of the helmet is excellent. Three things to be aware of: - The size around the lower part of your face is pretty tight. I've attached a picture showing this next to my old IS-33, same size. As you can see, the "cheek to cheek" space on the IS-33 is 4" compared to 3" on the Sy-Max. I have a set of smaller cheek pads on order. - Ventilation is pretty good, but it does tend to fog even at moderate temps (50-60 degrees). Part of this is because I'm riding a Gold Wing, so I don't get much airflow directly on the helmet. - There isn't much room between the D-ring and the cheek pads, so it's tough to get fastened up. This may resolve once I get the smaller cheek pads in. Overall though, the helmet is just what I was looking for, and the price point is excellent compared to other high-quality flip-down helmets. Count me a happy customer! Great service and fast shipping, as always. Bill
I'll start by saying that I really like this helmet. I bought it to get a quieter ride and more protection, and it does that very well. The overall quality of the helmet is excellent. Three things to be aware of: - The size around the lower part of your face is pretty tight. I've attached a picture showing this next to my old IS-33, same size. As you can see, the "cheek to cheek" space on the IS-33 is 4" compared to 3" on the Sy-Max. I have a set of smaller cheek pads on order. - Ventilation is pretty good, but it does tend to fog even at moderate temps (50-60 degrees). Part of this is because I'm riding a Gold Wing, so I don't get much airflow directly on the helmet. - There isn't much room between the D-ring and the cheek pads, so it's tough to get fastened up. This may resolve once I get the smaller cheek pads in. Overall though, the helmet is just what I was looking for, and the price point is excellent compared to other high-quality flip-down helmets. Count me a happy customer! Great service and fast shipping, as always. Bill
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