John L. from Georgia

April 17, 2014
2nd HJC helmet, they just seem to fit me best. HJC has really stepped up their game from a few years ago. This helmet blows away my previous HJC, much better materials and feels much higher quality. The reason you are probably looking at this helmet is for the flip down internal visor. If you havn't ridden with an internal need to. Once you use one you will NOT want to go back. My commute takes me right into the sun both ways, and I did not want to wear sunglasses under my helmet. This works extremely well for sunny days. This comes with a "light smoke" visor, but a dark smoke is available. I wish HJC would start shipping them with dark smoke instead, but the stocker works well enough when you happen to be staring into the sun and I have not been too motivated to buy the darker one yet. One note: a lot of reviews say this helmet does not have a vent notch to slightly open the face shield for venting. It took 30 seconds of adjusted the mechanism (very easy to do) but it can be set up to have a nice little vent setting and mine works perfectly. Also changing face shields could NOT be easier, HJC really has this down.
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