Larry K. from Iowa
November 7, 2014
First off, if you have never had a tank bag, get one. They are so convenient. This one is inexpensive, roomy and easy to mount. I have two actually because I liked the first one so much. They are hard sided so you can put your pone in it without getting it damaged or accidentally activated. They also have elastic straps on the bottom to keep your stuff from sliding around. I've had not trouble with it and never wished I'd spent more more on something else.
First off, if you have never had a tank bag, get one. They are so convenient. This one is inexpensive, roomy and easy to mount. I have two actually because I liked the first one so much. They are hard sided so you can put your pone in it without getting it damaged or accidentally activated. They also have elastic straps on the bottom to keep your stuff from sliding around. I've had not trouble with it and never wished I'd spent more more on something else.
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