Daniel B. from New York
March 6, 2013
I bought this helmet recently from's almost free special. I figured $10.00 for a helmet with a $260.00 store credit? Why not? I wasn't expecting much from the helmet until I received it today and I must say, I'm quite impressed. The helmet looks better in person. I love how the interior lining is red, and how comfortable it actually is. I must say, I am definitely happy with my purchase.
I bought this helmet recently from's almost free special. I figured $10.00 for a helmet with a $260.00 store credit? Why not? I wasn't expecting much from the helmet until I received it today and I must say, I'm quite impressed. The helmet looks better in person. I love how the interior lining is red, and how comfortable it actually is. I must say, I am definitely happy with my purchase.
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