Andrew L. from Southern California

April 29, 2011
Love this helmet! I originally was looking at the CL-16 helmets but decided this was better for daily riding and getting through the gate on base as I don't have to take it off. I wear glasses and the flip-up face makes it easy to put them on and adjust. The helmet does a far better job than most holding them firmly in place as well. Changing visors was a little iffy at first. You have to use a little force and I will say it was more difficult than Shoei or Arai. Either way, no major issue and while the first time took 10 minutes to make sure I didn't break anything, I go back and forth between clear and smoked in under a minute now (shown with dark smoke). I will say this helmet is slightly more snug on the bottom half than the CL-16 but at the same time, it is slight and likely just due to the different design. I imagine it is to keep the helmet in place since it does not have the substantial cheekbone pads like on the full-face. I will be adding the CL-16 (or maybe the RF1100) to my closet for track days and aggressive street days but for daily riding, the convenience of this gem can't be beat.
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