Richard L. from Illinois
September 16, 2010
I bought the helmet as a backup helmet/around town helmet, and it did fine for that purpose. It is a very quiet helmet. It was pretty heavy compared to my other lids, but it was very well constructed. It does run a couple sizes larger, so be careful of that when purchasing a CL-15. Other than that it's a very good lid for the price. The Mojo gloves are very nice. They've become my all-weather gloves. the area around the cuff was a bit tight, but it has a good fit overall. In the rain the dye would run off into my hands a bit. It's a comfortable glove, and the price is right.
I bought the helmet as a backup helmet/around town helmet, and it did fine for that purpose. It is a very quiet helmet. It was pretty heavy compared to my other lids, but it was very well constructed. It does run a couple sizes larger, so be careful of that when purchasing a CL-15. Other than that it's a very good lid for the price. The Mojo gloves are very nice. They've become my all-weather gloves. the area around the cuff was a bit tight, but it has a good fit overall. In the rain the dye would run off into my hands a bit. It's a comfortable glove, and the price is right.
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